When a question is asked in the classroom and everyone gives the same answer, have you noticed how you blend in with the unifying answer instead of speaking your thoughts? 

That's it right there, friend. The Fear of Standing Alone. 

🧾A proof is how you hit your palm against your forehead when the teacher affirms the answer you had in mind- the one you stifled because you sought confirmation from the crowd.

📌Have you noticed how you draw back when the whole class is required to attempt a written question, not because you do not have an idea but because you seek strings of attempts from your mates to follow suit? 

Think of how you follow the rest of the class to say "yes" when the teacher asks the popular question "do you understand?" But as soon as someone says "No, I do not understand", you jump in- "I, too!"

That's it again, right there.

🔝The above relatable scenerio might seem trivial but they embody an essential skill that spans beyond the walls of your school. And it makes sense to seize these scenarios as an opportunity to build the courage to stand alone.

The courage to stand alone does not mean isolation and losing touch of reality. It includes saying no to participating in trends that do not serve your values; questioning concepts to gain clarity; admitting and learning from your mistake(s); just to name a few.

The previous post on holding up your home-instilled value depends on this. 

Do not say yes when you mean to say no. 

Remember that song? 😉
